The 2021 Australian Entomological Society Conference

6 - 9 December 2021


Awards & Competitions 2021

Photographic Competition


The Society’s  Photographic Competition aims to encourage and recognise high standards of entomological photography. It is held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference where the entries will be displayed and judged.

The Society will usually make available $200, $100 and $50 for First, Second and Third Prizes in the photographic section. Highly commended certificates will also be awarded where appropriate.

The judges retain the right not to award all prizes if entry numbers or standards are not sufficient.

Note: The annual Scientific Illustration Competition has been suspended for 2021 due to low numbers of entries in recent years. The move to electronic-only publication of Myrmecia also means that a photographic image can now be used for the front cover and the editors of Austral Entomology and Myrmecia  will each select an entry in the photographic competition for the covers of the two publications

Who’s eligible

The competition is open to members of the Society who are not employed or contracted as professional photographers for fee or reward.

How to enter

Entries must be in the hands of the Society by 29 November 2021.