The 2021 Australian Entomological Society Conference

6 - 9 December 2021


Guidelines for Talks and Posters 2021

General Talks

Oral presentations will be given live over Zoom, and should run for 12 minutes with 3 minutes available for questions.

Speakers must be available and have joined the zoom meeting 15 minutes prior to the session they are speaking in, to test their audio and screen sharing. We recommend testing your webcam and microphone before the conference, to ensure it is operational.

All presentations should begin with an Acknowledgement of Country for the place from which you are presenting, and/or the lands on which the work was conducted. For examples of an Acknowledgement of Country, see

Presentation slides should be emailed to by the 29th November, allowing organisers to share your presentation if your screen sharing fails.

Presentations will be recorded and made available online for conference attendees to view after the conference, unless you advise by the 29th November that you do not wish your presentation to be uploaded.


Rapid Fire Talks

Rapid fire talks will be given live over Zoom, and are to be 5 minutes long, with question time as a panel session after all the rapid fire speakers. There is no limit to the number of slides you may use, but the time limit will be strictly enforced.

Speakers must be available and have joined the zoom meeting 15 minutes prior to the session they are speaking in, to test their audio and screen sharing. We recommend testing your webcam and microphone before the conference, to ensure it is operational.

Presentation slides should be emailed to by the 29th November, allowing organisers to share your presentation if your screen sharing fails.

Presentations will be recorded and made available online for conference attendees to view after the conference, unless you advise by the 29th November that you do not wish your presentation to be uploaded.


Poster Submissions & Specifications

Due to the online structure of this years AES, SASB & IUSSI conference, poster submissions will be done virtually. Submissions require a pdf of the poster plus availability at one of the scheduled poster sessions (TBC) to answer questions from the attendees. All poster submissions will be accepted, but submissions where the author isn’t present for live discussions during the designated poster sessions won’t be considered for prizes.

PLEASE NOTE: As this is an online-only event, by submitting an entry you are agreeing to your poster and name being displayed during the conference through all streamed and media outlets and on the conference website as deemed appropriate by the conference organisers. This allows members and attendees to view your work and vote.

Submissions to be emailed directly to by COB 30th November. Files to be named ‘AES2021 poster Your_Name_societymembership’. So, for example, my submission would be named ‘AES2021 poster Alana_Delaine_SASB’.
