Registration 2018
Registration is now open. Payment to be made at the time of booking. Details are on the registration form.
Your registration includes:
- Morning/afternoon tea and lunch each day
- Welcome Reception at Simpsons Gap on 23rd September
- Conference Dinner under the stars on 25th September
- Delegate bag with electronic copy of conference handbook
(delegates can opt in to receive the hardcopy at no cost) - Access to all sessions
We hope you will join us in Alice Springs. The society recognises that the costs associated with traveling to central Australia are higher than previous year’s conferences, but we hope you will see attendance at this conference as an exceptional opportunity to engage in some interesting entomology, enjoy social events in spectacular locations and explore a beautiful part of Australia. The society continues to foster and encourage our student members, so we have made a special effort to keep student registrations low.
Please select ONE of the registration types below and if applicable additional tickets for the Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner.